Category: English

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frequency হল

Man and superman নাটকটির রচয়িতা কে

কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান

The idiom in black and white

Find out the meaning of the word Forth coming

Vanity fair is a novel by

After she had bought (A) himself (B) a new automobile, she sold (C) her (D) bicycle. No error (E)

These (A) televisions are all too expensive (B) for we to buy (C) at this time (D), but perhaps we will return later. No error (E)

Because (A) they had spent too many (B) times considering (C) the new contract, the students lost the opportunity to lease (D) the apartment. No error (E)

Buying clothes are (A) often a very time-consuming (B) practice because those (C) clothes that a person likes are rarely the ones (D) that fit him or her. No error (E)